We support the Golden Dragon Clinic

The “Golden Dragon Clinic project is addressed to children undergoing inpatient hospital treatment. It consists in organizing an hour-long play for children in selected hospitals, combined with individual meetings with actors.

Hospitalisation is an extremely unpleasant experience for the child, involving pain, separation from the peer environment and separation from the carer. A young patient, who does not have constant contact with the people closest to him, comes into contact with unknown people and is often subjected to painful medical procedures. In the case of long-term hospitalisation, the routine and monotony of hospital life as well as the lack of contact with peers, resulting in a sense of alienation, which may persist long after the end of treatment, are also problemsatic. That is why such meetings are extremely important for the youngest children – the greyness of the hospital’s reality is broken by the adventure with the theatre and the direct encounter with fairy tale-like characters remains in the child’s memory long after the treatment and leaving the hospital is over.