
We facilitate your work by offering
appropriate software, professional trainings, and seminars.

Jansen services


We constantly care about the high quality of our services and delivered software. You are always welcome to ask about our training offer, or consult our specialist

Kamil Pietrucha

tel.: +48 22 54 96 103
tel.: +48 502 427 090


We are happy to advise you when choosing the right software products and additional modules. We present our software in details, and offer you the opportunity to test JANIsoft in the form of a “90-day trial version”.


We organize basic seminars at our Warsaw headquarters, or if you prefer – at the client’s location. Any information about the seminars can be obtained at: tel.: +48 22 54 96 103

Software updates

We take care of our software updates for you. Our update management system allows your software to be always up to date.


Remote service

In order to process service requests faster and more efficiently, our service employees use the TeamViewer® remote service tool. You can run it conveniently and directly through JANIsoft.

Jansen services


JANIsoft is a software enabling the order evaluation and processing, as well as calculating the ordered system’s elements.

It is a convenient solution to prepare appropriate calculations of the Jansen windows, doors, façades, and system volumes, in three areas: “basic”, “advanced” and “enterprises”. In addition to the standard options, like e.g. the preparation of quotes, orders, production, the system offers also other options, advanced options like e.g. data transfer to ERP- / PPS systems.

JANIsoft at a glance:

JANIsoft basic

Thanks to the “basic” module, windows, doors and facades can be presented using 2D models.

JANIsoft advanced

2D and 3D model templates make it easier to develop complex objects. Another option is the  CNC machine control while processing profiles.

JANIsoft details

User interface
The menu toolbar speeds up and simplifies the handling of standard elements and special designs. The software remembers the last selected option and suggests it when making the following decision. The price for a particular item is constantly displayed, including all additional fees and heat transfer coefficient.

Management of structural elements
Users are able to edit the parameters of the structure changing the type of system, profiles used, elements of door and window fittings.

Static pre-dimensioning

Thanks to static pre-dimensioning for profiles and glazing, a reliable calculation can be made by selecting appropriate profiles for window and facade elements, including their fillings.


Module of tenders
JANIsoft offers individual approach and flexibility in creating offers. Templates can be customized to meet your needs by displaying user-defined items in offers.

The user is able to easily create cross-sections of an element and then export it to a CAD program, as required.